Top radio stations in Uganda

1. Beat FM
2. Capital Fm
3. Radio Simba
4. Block Fm
5. Radio4 Uganda
6. Undefined Radio Yoo
7. Akaboozi 87.9 FM
8. Undefined Cbs Eyobujjajja 88.8 Fm
9. 93.3 KFM
10. Christ FM 91.6
11. Kampala FM
12. XFM
13. EJazz Radio
14. One FM
15. Radio Maria
16. Radio Sapientia
17. Undefined Brev Media Uganda
18. Baba FM Radio
19. Busoga One Radio
20. CBS Emmanduso
21. Radio Centenary Fm
22. Dembe FM
23. Radio Super FM
24. Undefined Kdr 100.3 Fm
25. Bukedde FM

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